Friday 22 November 2013

Change Of Mindset Imperative To Fight Female Foeticide

Stop Female Foeticide
The City Beautiful Chandigarh is a one of the famous attraction of India, which was the dream city of India’s first Prime Minister Sh. Jawahar Lal Nehru. The map of city was planned by the famous French architect Le Corbusier. The name of Chandigarh is derived from the temples of "Chandi Mandir" located nearer to the city. This true tale gave the city its name “Chandigarh-The Beautiful City”. In this city everyday held lot of different activities to aware people about the surroundings and to keep people active. There are also outdoor activities held like Fairs, Carnivals, Bird Watching, picnics, Boating, Golfing etc. And in this city many organizations work for women welfare like Hitkari Welfare Society, Indian Red Cross Society, Indian Council of Social Welfare etc.

Few days back a seminar held at the Chandigarh Judicial Academy on “Female Foeticide”. In seminar six judges of the Supreme Court of India, Justice RM Lodha, Justice RP Desai, Justice Jasti Chelameswar, Justice Rajan Gogoi, Justice AK Sikri and Chief Justices and Judges from 19 High Courts of the country, besides Judicial officers deliberated on the entitlements for women. RM Lodha said “Our social structure is responsible for discrimination against women as we have a male-dominated society. And the High Court Chief Justice Sanjay Kishan Kaul said “the police investigation system also needed a change.” 

This is a time when the ratio of male-female had been badly disturbed in our society and if it is not investigate now then it can cause lot of disturbance in the coming years. It is a duty of all citizens, doctors, social organizations and societies to see that complications in the free flow of nature’s creations. Nowadays the women should be empowered to say 'No to sex determination' otherwise very soon our society would become female-less society. Sex determination is illegal in India. The practice is excessive and has become a multi-million dollar industry. All Parents desperate for a boy child, and doctors who are carrying out these abortions, female foeticide has become a shameful and shocking reality of our nation. Sometime these conditions arise under family pressure from the husband or the in-laws. And Un-planned pregnancy is generally the reason behind abortion. Sadly, a majority of female foeticide cases involve an enthusiastic participation of women, both old and young.

In seminar main causes of the Female Foeticide are also discussed:
-          Lack of education, poverty and the tag of burden that is appointed to a girl child, and it makes parents desperate for a male child.
-          Many families contemplate it as a status symbol to have a son and a mark of humiliation to have a daughter.
-          A son is consider as someone who can earn and care for his parents in their old age, while a daughter will get married and go to her husband’s family.
-          The tradition of giving dowry at the time of a daughter’s marriage is alive. And this amount can be so huge that many parents will not able to afford. So they avoid to having a daughter in the first place.

Modern science has made it very easy to determine the sex of the child while it’s still in the womb. Once the gender of the baby is recognise, the families that are eager to have a baby boy choose to terminate the female foetus. The law on aborting a child is a rigid, and the Indian government allows it only under certain circumstances. Sex ratio refers to ratio of females to males in a given region. Practices like female foeticide and female infanticide (killing a baby girl after she is born) have had an adverse effect on the sex ratio of the country and inflate to further social crime. The most important impact of female foeticide is skewed up the sex ratio. The shortage of females leads to other obstacles like female trafficking, kidnappings, increase in assault and rape, population decline. Female foeticide is a dreadful and illegal practice that has got to be stopped or blocked. The way to do this is by implementation of stronger laws and bringing about a change in the mind-set of our countrymen.

The issues of female infanticide, female feticide and selective sex abortion have gained universal attention. Many international and national law making officers come forward to stopped this horrible practices. There are several ways to help baby girl from being killed before she begin journey of life. Each one of us can help to avoid this female infanticide and female foeticide by communicating this concern with others, to our friends, relatives, colleagues in work places, and community members. 
One of the key points is to change the judgemental way of people. By giving equal value, respect and opportunity to girls and women we can achieve influence change. But we need to do all that we can, to bring drastic change. Everyone can take a part to serve nation so that decisions and actions of the people will help to stop this heinous practices of female foeticide from our country. Just as the awful practice of ‘Sati Pratha’ was stopped in the nineteenth century through the united attempts of people like William Carey and Raja Ram Mohan Roy.

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